After the German Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe decided that ZDF did not have to apologize to Karol Tendera, a former Auschwitz prisoner, for using the phrase “Polish extermination camps”, Rajmund Niwinski from the team of lawyers from Dusseldorf, Munich (Germany) and Atlanta (USA) contacted the Patria Nostra association. […]
Category: Releases
Communiqué of the Patria Nostra Association in Olsztyn on the constitutional appeal against the decision of the German BGH in the case of Karol Tendera and ZDF
By order dated July 19, 2018, published on August 21, 2018, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe decided that the German television station ZDF did not have to execute the Polish judgment ordering it to apologize to Karol Tendera, a former Auschwitz prisoner, on its main website. In that way, according to the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Krakow, the ZDF was to compensate for the harm caused to Karol Tendera for using on one of its subpages a term suggesting that Auschwitz was the work of Poles and not Germans. […]
Communication from the Patria Nostra Association on the Judgment of the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe – Part Two
The Patria Nostra Association does not lay down its arms after the German Federal Court of Justice ruled that ZDF does not have to apologise in a certain way to the 96-year-old Karol Tendera for using the term ‘Polish extermination camps’. […]
Communication from the Patria Nostra Association on the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe
The German Federal Court of Justice, when considering the cassation of the German state television ZDF, held in closed session that it did not have to apologise to the 96-year-old Karol Tendera, a former prisoner of the German concentration camp in Auschitz, camp number 1000430, for using the term ‘Polish extermination camps’. […]